
Produce merged files and plots for the yearly SciLifeLab report to KTH

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Produce merged files and plots for the yearly SciLifeLab report to KTH. For both unit (facility) and fellows data.

Code requirements

  • Python 3
  • Openpyxl Python package (read XLSX and XLSM files)
  • XlsxWriter Python package (create XLSX files)
  • Plotly Python package (create plots)
  • kaleido Python package (create PNG of plots)

Tip: Create a virtual Python environment and install the packages using pip and the requirements.txt file which can be found in the source code for each year:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Source code organisation

The source code for each year is in its own subdirectory.


The source code for 2022 is an adjusted copy of 2021 and is used for production.


The source code for 2021 is an adjusted copy of 2020 and is used for production.


The source code for 2020 is new and is used for production. NOTE that the new source code does not use HTML or explicit JavaScript. It is pure Python.


The code for 2019 was written to recreate the merged files for that year. This code did not exist in this form when the actual reports were processed. See https://github.com/senthil10/dc_reporting_scripts instead.

Units (Facilities)


The specifications for the output files A-H are given in the document Data files for KTH and Infra Reports.xlsx for each year.

Input files

The Reporting Portal https://reporting.scilifelab.se/ is the primary data source. The "Aggregate" feature is used to create XLSX files combining the data from the reports based on the relevant form.

In addition, the Volume Data files attached to each report is also used.

To perform the operations below, you need to be logged in as an admin or staff account at https://reporting.scilifelab.se/

My location for the input files are ~/Nextcloud/Ă…rsrapport 2022/

Create the aggregate files

  1. Go to the form for this year's Infrastructure Unit (Facility) reports in the Reporting Portal.

  2. Click on the button "Aggregate".

  3. Check the following fields for output.

    • Report status filter: Submitted
    • Report metadata: identifier, title
    • Report history: [none]
    • Report owner: [none]
    • Report fields: [all]
    • Table field: [none]
    • File format: Excel (XLSX)
  4. Create and download the aggregate file by clicking the button "Aggregate".

  5. Check only the "facility" value in the Report fields, and then perform one aggregate operation for each value of Table field; "facility_director", "facility_head", "additional_funding" and "immaterial_property_rights".

  6. Move these XLSX files to the subdirectory Units reports/aggregate_files for this year's report data.

Download the Volume data files

  1. Go to the page listing all reports https://reporting.scilifelab.se/orders

  2. Filter by the appropriate form and status "Submitted".

  3. Download manually the volume data files for all reports to the subdirectory volume_data_files for this year's report data.

    1. Right-click on the report link, to bring up a new tab (keeping the list as is in its tab).
    2. Click on the link to the Volume Data file; it is visible under "Files" in the top panel, and also further down in the field "Volume data by Excel..." It is the same file.

Create the merged files

  1. Check and set the parameters for the filepaths and other data in the source code file facility_data.py. This file is imported as a module by the other scripts and its variables are used there.

  2. The script merge_A.py produces the file A_Infrastructure Single Data Reported {year}.xlsx from the contents of file orders_Facility_report_{year}.xlsx.

  3. The script merge_B.py produces the file B_Infrastructure FD and HF {year}.xlsx from the contents of the files orders_Facility_report_{year}_facility_director.xlsx and orders_Facility_report_{year}_facility_head.xlsx.

  4. The script merge_C.py produces the file C_Infrastructure Other Funding {year}.xlsx from the contents of the file orders_Facility_report_{year}_additional_funding.xlsx.

  5. The script merge_D.py produces the file D_Infrastructure Immaterial Property Rights {year}.xlsx from the contents of the file orders_Facility_report_{year}_immaterial_property_rights.xlsx.

  6. The script merge_E.py produces the file E_Infrastructure Users {year}.xlsx from the contents of the sheet A. Users in all the volume data files.

    NOTE: Some of the XLSX/XLSM files cause "UserWarning" when read by openpyxl. This can be ignored.

  7. The script merge_F.py produces the file F_Infrastructure Courses {year}.xlsx from the contents of the sheet B. Courses in all the volume data files.

    NOTE: Some of the XLSX/XLSM files cause "UserWarning" when read by openpyxl. This can be ignored.

  8. The script merge_G.py produces the file G_Infrastructure Conferences Symposia Seminars {year}.xlsx from the contents of the sheet C. Conf, symp, semin in all the volume data files.

    NOTE: Some of the XLSX/XLSM files cause "UserWarning" when read by openpyxl. This can be ignored.

  9. The script merge_H.py produces the file H_Infrastructure External Collaborations {year}.xlsx from the contents of the sheet D. External Collab (yes, there is a trailing white-space in the name!) in all the volume data files.

    NOTE: Some of the XLSX/XLSM files cause "UserWarning" when read by openpyxl. This can be ignored.

Create the plot named "Figure 5" (Affiliations of users of SciLifeLab units)

The Python script make_fig5.py uses the Python library of Plotly and a few other packages to produce a large PNG file of a scatterplot of affiliations versus facilities, where the size of each circle shows the number of unique users.

The input file is that produced by the script merge_E.py (step 6 above). (This is an improvement from 2020; no manual cut-and-paste is required now.)

This script also creates a CSV file containing the counts.

SciLifeLab Fellows

Input files

The Reporting Portal https://reporting.scilifelab.se/ is the primary data source. The "Aggregate" feature is used to create XLSX files combining the data from the reports based on the relevant form.

In addition, the Volume Data files attached to each report is also used.

To perform the operations below, you need to be logged in as an admin or staff account at https://reporting.scilifelab.se/

Create the aggregate file.

  1. Go to the form for this year's SciLifeLab Fellow reports in the Reporting Portal.

  2. Click on the button "Aggregate".

  3. Check the following fields for output.

    • Report status filter: Submitted
    • Report metadata: identifier, title
    • Report history: [none]
    • Report owner: [all]
    • Report fields: [all except volume_data]
    • File format: Excel (XLSX)
  4. Create and download the aggregate file by clicking the button "Aggregate".

  5. Move this XLSX file to the subdirectory aggregate_files for this year's report data.

Download the Volume data files

  1. Go to the list of all reports https://reporting.scilifelab.se/orders

  2. Filter by the appropriate form, and the status "Submitted".

  3. Download manually the volume data files for all reports to the subdirectory volume_data_files for this year's report data.

    1. Right-click on the report link, to bring up a new tab (keeping the list as is in its tab).
    2. Click on the link to the Volume Data file; it is visible under "Files" in the top panel, and also further down in the field "Volume data by Excel..." It is the same file.

Create the merged files

  1. Check and set the parameters for the filepaths and other data in the source code file merge_scilifelab_fellows.py. This file is imported as a module by the other scripts and its variables are used there.

  2. Run the script merge_scilifelab_fellows.py, which produces the files Fellows {year} Teaching.xlsx, Fellows {year} Grants.xlsx and Fellows {year} Collaborations.xlsx from the volume data files.

    NOTE: Some of the XLSX/XLSM files cause "UserWarning" when read by openpyxl. This can be ignored.

DDLS Fellows

This procedure was copied 2022 from the SciLifeLab Fellows above.

Input files

The Reporting Portal https://reporting.scilifelab.se/ is the primary data source. The "Aggregate" feature is used to create XLSX files combining the data from the reports based on the relevant form.

In addition, the Volume Data files attached to each report is also used.

To perform the operations below, you need to be logged in as an admin or staff account at https://reporting.scilifelab.se/

Create the aggregate file.

  1. Go to the form for this year's DDLS Fellow reports in the Reporting Portal.

  2. Click on the button "Aggregate".

  3. Check the following fields for output.

    • Report status filter: Submitted
    • Report metadata: identifier, title
    • Report history: [none]
    • Report owner: [all]
    • Report fields: [all except volume_data]
    • File format: Excel (XLSX)
  4. Create and download the aggregate file by clicking the button "Aggregate".

  5. Move this XLSX file to the subdirectory aggregate_files for this year's report data.

Download the Volume data files

  1. Go to the list of all reports.

  2. Filter by the appropriate form, and the status "Submitted".

  3. Download manually the volume data files for all reports to the subdirectory volume_data_files for this year's report data.

Create the merged files

  1. Check and set the parameters for the filepaths and other data in the source code file merge_ddls_fellows.py.

  2. Run the script merge_ddls_fellows.py, which produces the files DDLS Fellows {year} Teaching.xlsx, DDLS Fellows {year} Grants.xlsx and DDLS Fellows {year} Collaborations.xlsx from the volume data files.

    NOTE: Some of the XLSX/XLSM files cause "UserWarning" when read by openpyxl. This can be ignored.