
Example of Java 12, JavaFX and Gradle application

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


An example of how to set up Java 14, JavaFX 14 and Gradle application.


  • Opens a JavaFX window with the title "Hello World!"
  • Able to build a working runnable distribution zip file (Windows to be tested)
  • Able to open and run in IntelliJ without additional configuration
  • Able to run with from command line

Gradle Commands

run in place:

./gradlew run 

Build a distribution zip in build/distributions:

./gradlew distZip


Btw. I heartily recommend SDKMAN! for installing and managing the JDK and Gradle versions.

sdk install java 14.0.0.hs-adpt
sdk install gradle 6.3


I had some trouble setting this example up, but it turns out that the org.openjfx.javafxplugin Gradle plugin works great.

I also have an earlier branch of this example that reaches the same goals without using the JavaFX Gradle plugin, but that seems to require some strange hacks that the plugin probably takes care of.