It is a video game created as part of end year project at Epitech.
It uses Unreal Engine 4.6.1 with Oculus Rift V2 and Leap Motion.
[parejo_p] ( lefebv_z lesaff_r loverg_c renaud_m virgo_b
- Install Visual Studio 2013 and Unreal Engine 4.6.1
- Clone repository
- Right-click MagUs.uproject and select "Generate Visual Studio project files"
- Open MagUs.uproject in root folder (Mag-Us)
- Say yes if Unreal Editor asks to rebuild anything
- Done !
Note: To open project in Visual Studio, go to File > Open Visual Studio in the Unreal Editor
Follow the [recommended section] ( to adapt your Visual Studio layout for Unreal Engine.
- [Follow the first answer] (
- Or import AzertyViewport.ini in Extra/ if you haven't changed any default editor keys yet. (Edit > Editor Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > Import...)
###Important Links
- [Coding Standard] ( for UE4
- [Useful VR Template] (
- [Best VR practices] (
###Video [Youtube] (