
Tech stack & Open-source libraries

  • Minimum SDK level 23

  • Kotlin based, Coroutines Flow + StateFlow for asynchronous.

  • Jetpack

    • Compose: A modern toolkit for creating a native android UI
    • Navigation: component helps you implement navigation, from simple button clicks to more complex patterns
    • Lifecycle: Observe Android lifecycles and handle UI states upon the lifecycle changes.
    • ViewModel: Manages UI-related data holder and lifecycle aware. Allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.
    • Hilt: for dependency injection.
  • Architecture

    • MVVM Architecture (View - ViewModel - Model)
    • Module Pattern
    • Clean architecture & SOLID principles
  • Retrofit2 & OkHttp3: Construct the REST APIs and paging network data.

  • Gson: A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java.

  • Glide: Loading images from network.