Hey! Typoga is touch typing game where type as fast as you can. All your scores are saved so that you can track your progress.
Install python 3:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-tk
Install packages:
pip3 install matplotlib numpy
New python script (scores.py) to view game scores
Update gameplay images
Fixed some codacy issues
Added new list of RANDOM phrases.
Capitalization errors are shown as yellow.
Added tool to show statistics/progress information.
Added option to select game type.
Misses are also saved into file in score/misses_{gametype}.txt.
Score are saved in score/highScore_{gametype}.txt..
Score penalization if phrase/words are not typed until the end.
Automatically create score files.
Added categories based on wpm speed.
Words are not counted for wpm if wrongly typed.
Created score and lib folder to store the files.
Score calculation improvement. Added minimum hit chars to get score, calculation of chars per minute.
Score is now read/saved to file named highScore.txt..
Fixed typos, and minor bugs.
Created folder to store the files phrases/words.
Reduced some of the phrases in phrases.txt.
Initial release.
Game implements basic functionality.
Based in the script: bash-typing-game