mkdir mmvt_lite
cd mmvt_lite
# Clone the MMVT lite repo
git clone -b first-stable-version
# Clone the Electrodes Labeling Algorithm repo
git clone -b first-stable-version
mv mmvt_lite mmvt_code
# Create a virtual python enviroment for mmvt
python -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --user virtualenv
python -m venv mmvt_env
source mmvt_env/bin/activate # add .csh if you are using csh shell
# Run MMVT setup
cd mmvt_code
python -m src.setup
# Download the templaltes brain colin27 and fsaverage
sh ./setup_scripts/
sh ./setup_scripts/
The multimodal analysis and visualization tool, MMVT:
Felsenstein, O., N. Peled, E. Hahn, A. P. Rockhill, L. Folsom, T. Gholipour, K. Macadams et al. "Multi-modal neuroimaging analysis and visualization tool (MMVT)." arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10079 (2019). -
The Electrode Labelling Algorithm:
Peled, N., T. Gholipour, A. C. Paulk, O. Felsenstein, D. D. Dougherty, A. S. Widge, E. N. Eskandar, S. S. Cash, M. S. Hamalainen, and S. M. Stufflebeam. "Invasive electrodes identification and labeling." GitHub Repos 10 (2017).