Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe

This is my first attempt at an unbeatable game of Tic Tac Toe using the Minimax Algorithm.

I have previously written a Tic Tac Toe game for two human players in JavaScript, and was originally planning on extending that game.

While researching my options for the AI (and choosing the Minimax Algorithm), I decided it would be easier to start with a new project rather than trying to adapt my previous setup to the algorithm.

I decided to write this in Ruby due to the built in ways of iterating that Ruby has that Javascript does not have.


  • Clone this repository
  • Install all gems bundle install
  • See tests pass by running rspec -> Note, the tests take a long time to run due to Minimax.
  • Play the game by running ruby play.rb

The brief:

  • write an unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts and Crosses) program
  • user chooses game type (human v. computer, human v. human, or computer v. computer)
  • computer player should never lose and should win whenever possible
  • user should also have the choice of which player goes first


  • I wrote a blog post about my experiences building this.

Further plans:

  • This runs quite slow, the computer's first move takes about 20 seconds. I would like to find a way to speed that up.
  • I'd like to create a web interface, but not until I can speed up the AI
  • Automating tests for interface
  • Stubbing out the randomness of the AI
  • Minimising dependencies
  • Additional refactoring

Main resources:

The Rules

The rules of tic-tac-toe are as follows:

  • There are two players in the game (X and O)
  • Players take turns until the game is over
  • A player can claim a field if it is not already taken
  • A turn ends when a player claims a field
  • A player wins if they claim all the fields in a row, column or diagonal
  • A game is over if a player wins
  • A game is over when all fields are taken