
java bootcamp 2022

Primary LanguageJava

14.09.2022 Java Camp First Day

The first day was based on Java basics.

* String, int, arrays, loop, if-else

Lessons code => intro file

Week-1 Assesments


Watch and practice all lessons 1-23 in this playlist (including 1-23). You can use Intellij, netbeans or eclipse.

21.09.2022 Java Camp Second Day

The second day was based on Inheritance.Models and Getter setter methods processed.

* Variables-Conditionals-Loop-Array-Inheritance

Lessons code => oop1 file

Week-2 Assesments


Watch and practice all lessons 24-37 in this playlist (including 24-37). You can use Intellij, netbeans or eclipse.

05.10.2022 Java Camp Third Day

nLayered architecture was introduced.

  • dataAccess
  • business
  • entities
  • core - logging layers processed.

Lessons code => oopWithNLayeredApp file

Week-3 Assesments

  • Assesment 3:
    • We want to code the instructor, category and course sections on the main page of the kodlama.io website in a layered architecture.
    • Simulate as if you wrote it on both jdbc and hibernate with the techniques we did in the previous lesson.
    • Simulate the multi-logging structure.
    • Perform the following requests.
      • Course name cannot be repeated
      • Category name cannot be repeated
      • The price of a course cannot be less than 0

  • Assesment 4:
    • Open an account on Medium.com
    • Write an article describing value and reference types in Java for someone who is not familiar with it.
    • Write another article explaining interfaces in Java to someone who doesn't know.

25.10.2022 Java Camp Fourth Day

Spring topic introduced. Data Access - Business - UI layered told.
CampSpring RentACar Project created.
The brand object is determined and its layers are created. We used swagger-ui and also checked api with postman.

structure swagger1 postman1

Lessons code => campspring - rentACar file

Week-4 Assesments

  • Assesment 1:
    We want to write a project where we bring candidates' coding skills together with employers.
    Project name: Kodlama.io.Devs
    Let's start with a simple requirement.
    Req 1: Programming languages should be kept in the system.
    • Write codes that can add, delete, update, list, and fetch programming languages (C#, Java, Python). Make it completely in memory.
    • Names cannot be repeated.
    • Programming language cannot be left blank. (Solve algorithmically by writing code without using validation)

  • Assesment 2:
    Do a research on the following topics and write a medium article.
    • What is REST ?
    • What are Http Keywords? Please explain.

02.11.2022 Java Camp Fifth Day

  • We proceeded through the "rentACar" project created last week. application.properties - postgresql connection settings done.

  • Request - response packages are created and the data we will transfer to the customer is limited.

  • A database connection was provided on postgresql and the model was designed over the entity brand.

  • After the project was launched, both data addition and data listing operations were performed via swagger.


