ToDo Lite for Android

A shared todo app that shows how to use the uses the Couchbase Lite Android framework to embed a nonrelational ("NoSQL") document-oriented database in an Android app and sync it with [Couchbase Server][CBS] in "the cloud".


Get the code

$ git clone <this repo>
$ git submodule init && git submodule update

Build and run the app

  • Import the project into your Android Studio by selecting build.gradle or settings.gradle from the root of the project.
  • Configure Sync Gateway URL by openning app/src/main/java/com/couchbase/todolite/ and modifying SYNC_URL variable pointing to your Sync Gateway url. You can skip this step if you do not want to use the sync feature.
  • Run the app using the "play" or "debug" button.

Configure and run Sync Gateway (Optional)

To use Sync feature, download and run Sync Gateway on your desire server. A sample Sync Gateway Configuration to use with the ToDo Lite app is available at ./sync-gateway-config.json.


If you have any comments or suggestions, please join our mailing list and let us know.


Released under the Apache license, 2.0.

Copyright 2011-2014, Couchbase, Inc.