
Try outs with crontab and cron.d on debian with Chef.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

chef spike crontab cron.d debian

Try outs with crontab and cron.d on debian.



  • Debian (version 8.3 or newer)


  • cron (support for cron.d even on debian)

The recipe(s)

  • default creates a basic /tmp/ping file containing 'pong'.
  • crontab creates a crontab for a foobar and root user that each minute pings to /var/log/crontabfoobar/foobar.log and /var/log/crontabroot/root.log.



  • Vagrant
  • Vagrant plugins: vagrant-berkshelf, vagrant-cachier, vagrant-chef-zero, vagrant-omnibus, vagrant-vbguest (install with vagrant plugin install <plugin-name>)
  • VirtualBox
  • Ruby version 2.0 or newer
  • Bundler
  • ChefDK

Install the cookbook's cookbook dependencies with berks install, and install required Ruby gems with bundle install.


Testing is done with Foodcritic, RuboCop, ChefSpec, Test Kitchen, and Serverspec.

To run all tests, execute the rake command. rake -T will print the available tests, enabling you to run a specific one with rake <test-name>.