
Type checking and type casting of parameters for Action Pack

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

This is an extension of strong_parameters with added type checking and conversion.

Simple types

You can specify simple types like this:

  id: Parameters.id,
  name: Parameters.string


You can specify arrays like this:

  id: Parameters.array(Parameters.id)

This will allow an array of id parameters that all are IDs (integer less than 2**31, greater than 0) and convert to Fixnum ('2' --> 2).

Empty array -> nil

Rails converts empty arrays to nil unless config.action_dispatch.perform_deep_munge = false is set (available in Rails 4.1+). Either use this or Parameters.array | Parameters.nil to deal with this.

Allowing nils

It can be convenient to allow nil to be passed as all kinds of attributes since ActiveRecord converts it to false/0 behind the scenes. ActionController::Parameters.allow_nil_for_everything = true

Nested Parameters

  name: Parameters.string,
  emails: Parameters.array(Parameters.string),
  friends: Parameters.array(
      name: Parameters.string,
      family: Parameters.map(
        name: Parameters.string
      hobbies: Parameters.array(Parameters.string)

This will allow parameters like this:

  "name": "Mick",
  "emails": ["mick@zendesk.com", "mick@staugaard.com"],
  "friends": [
    {"name": "Morten", "family": {"name": "Primdahl"}, "hobbies": ["work", "art"]},
    {"name": "Eric", "family": {"name": "Chapweske"}, "hobbies": ["boating", "whiskey"]}

ActiveModel Nested Attributes

  name: Parameters.string,
  books_attributes: Parameters.array(
      title: Parameters.string,
      id: Parameters.id,
      _destroy: Parameters.boolean

This will allow parameters like this:

  "author": {
    "name": "Eric Chapweske",
    "books_attributes": [
      {"title": "Boatin' and Drinkin'", "id": 234, "_destroy": true},
      {"title": "Advanced Boatin' and Drinkin'", "id": 567}

Combining Requirements

If you want to permit a parameter to be one of multiple types, you can use the | operator:

  status: Parameters.id | Parameters.enum('open', 'closed')

This will allow these parameter sets:

  "ticket": {
    "status": 123
  "ticket": {
    "status": "open"

You can use the & operator to apply further restrictions on the type:

  age: Parameters.integer & Parameters.gte(0)

This requires the parameter to be an integer greater than or equal to 0.

Combining Requirements in Arrays

You can also use the | and & operators in arrays:

  users: Parameters.array(Parameters.id | Parameters.string)

This will permit these parameters:

  "group": {
    "users": [123, "mick@zendesk.com", 345, 676, "morten@zendesk.com"]

Production rollout

Just want to log violations in production:

# config/environments/production.rb
ActionController::Parameters.action_on_invalid_parameters = :log


Syntax (Simplified) Definition
Parameters.string value.is_a?(String)
Parameters.integer value.is_a?(Fixnum) or '-1'
Parameters.float value.is_a?(Float) or '-1.2'
Parameters.datetime value.is_a?(DateTime) or '2014-05-13' or '2015-03-31T14:34:56Z'
Parameters.regexp(/foo/) value =~ regexp
Parameters.enum('asc', 'desc') ['asc', 'desc'].include?(value)
Parameters.lt(10) value < 10
Parameters.lte(10) value <= 10
Parameters.gt(0) value > 0
Parameters.gte(0) value >= 0
Parameters.integer32 Parameters.integer & Parameters.lt(2 ** 31) & Parameters.gte(-2 ** 31)
Parameters.integer64 Parameters.integer & Parameters.lt(2 ** 63) & Parameters.gte(-2 ** 63)
Parameters.id Parameters.integer & Parameters.lt(2 ** 31) & Parameters.gte(0)
Parameters.bigid Parameters.integer & Parameters.lt(2 ** 63) & Parameters.gte(0)
Parameters.uid Parameters.integer & Parameters.lt(2 ** 32) & Parameters.gte(0)
Parameters.ubigid Parameters.integer & Parameters.lt(2 ** 64) & Parameters.gte(0)
Parameters.boolean Parameters.enum(true, false, 'true', 'false', 1, 0)
Parameters.nil value is nil
Parameters.nil_string value is nil, '', 'undefined'
Parameters.file File, StringIO, Rack::Test::UploadedFile, ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile or subclasses
Parameters.decimal(8,2) value is a String, Integer or Float with a precision of 9 and scale of 2
Parameters.hex value is a String that matches the hexadecimal format