Laravel 5.4 starter kit

Why ?

There are several configs and details I do every time I start a Laravel project, either for a really small toy project or a big project at work. This is a very opinionated starting point for new Laravel projects. In the future I may add a system to ask questions and let you customize some stuff based on your preferences.

What does it do and add ?


  • Ignore all assets in public
  • Ignore everything in storage instead of adding 6 different .gitignore files
  • Remove editor/vagrant/Homestead stuff. Imo all those should be in your global gitignore file. Nobody cares that you use PhpStorm.

Laravel Mix

  • Added config in webpack.mix.js to extract vue and axios.


  • Added predis to composer.json
  • Set cache and session driver to redis in .env.example
  • Setup a different redis connection for sessions so that when you call artisan cache:clear it doesn't delete your session. See this stack overflow answer for details.

Composer tasks

  • Removed the post create project as this is meant to just be cloned, not create-projected.
  • Added setup-local task
  • Added setup-deps task
  • Added deploy task mainly to show how to deploy.
  • Added cs and cs-fixer to call phpcs and php-cs-fixer

Deployer config

  • Added a Deployer config in the "scripts" folder.
  • Added database sync commands to make it easy to install locally a MySQL database from a remote server.

Editorconfig file

Added simple editorconfig file with basic rules that are a good starting point if you don't have specific code reformater like phpcs or standard configured.


Reformated the basic app.js and bootsrap.js to follow the Javascript Standard Style, added standard to package.json and configured it (in package.json) to accept global instances of Vue, JQuery and Lodash.


  • Added phpcs and php-cs-fixer to composer.json
  • Added .php_cs and phpcs.xml config files
  • Added composer tasks

How to use it

  • Customize scripts/deploy.php with your server info, deploy_path and the command to reload php-fpm (to clear opcode caches).
  • Customize phpcs rules in .php_cs and phpcs.xml
  • Remove everything above these ↓lines↓ and customize the rest for your project.


Project name

Setup the project locally

  • Install Composer and Yarn globally on your system. Google it.
  • Add ~/.composer/vendor/bin or ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin (find where it is via composer global config --list | grep bin-dir ) and vendor/bin to your $PATH.
  • Install the Composer and Yarn dependencies via the setup-deps task:
composer setup-deps
  • Create the .env and fill the key
composer setup-local


Theres a composer task named "deploy", but I suggest just entering the scripts dir and calling vendor/bin/dep inside.

cd scripts
dep deploy production

By default the deploy scripts clears PHP's Opcode Cache via a command opcache:clear defined by the laravel-opcache package. If for some reason this doesn't work for you, you can configure the reload php-fpm task in the custom-tasks file. In that case I suggest creating a 'deploy' user on the server and then giving him sudo access to reload php-fpm:


deploy ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl reload php7.1-fpm.service