
A tool for creating optimum teams in a class

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A tool for creating optimum teams in a class. Our web application takes in survey results in the form of a CSV file, processes them to create teams based on scheduling and skills, then returns the results to the user displayed on the web interface as well as a CSV.

  • Developers
    • Cathy Webster
    • Kathryn Lovett
    • Peter Lovett
    • Wyatt Reed

Table of Contents


  • React.js - Facebook's popular JavaScript front-end framework.
  • Create-React-App - Facebook's generator.
  • Babel - JavaScript compiler to unify all the different versions of JS that may have been used or will be used in the future.
  • Yarn - Facebook's open source JavaScript package manager. There are a few differences between Yarn and Node Package Mangaer (npm), but the main differentiation is that Yarn locks dependencies so your project doesn't break when external resources change their code.
  • Material UI - A Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
  • Flask - Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions.
  • Google Form - Online form/survey to collect data

Student Survey

  • Prior to running the application, it's necessary to collect data from students in order to correctly place them into teams.
  • The survey asks the user for the following:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Availability throughout the week
    • Rank programming/technology skills
    • Teammate preferences
  • Google Form allows users to export the responses to a CSV file. This application takes in and parses the student survey results in the form of a CSV file, formatted specifically to how it is exported from Google Forms.
  • To copy a google form that will output a CSV that is compatible with this project: Click Here
  • An example response can be found in the Git repository named "responses.csv".

Requirements and Design

  • Minimal Viable Product
    • Algorithm that matches people into groups based on schedule and skill set compatibility
    • Simple and intuitive user-interface that allows user to upload CSV file with responses from a student survey
    • User can download a CSV file with the results of the algorithm
    • App can allow user to set desired group sizes
  • Future Versions
    • Display the groups on the result page
    • Made the web app more interactive i.e. you can move around the list of students on the results page
    • Make the application all browser compatible
  • Key files for the application
    • algorithm.py: code for logic for team formation
    • main.py: code for server-side logic.
    • reader.py: code for logic of reading in CSV file
    • writer.py: code for logic of writing results to CSV file
    • templates/: contains all of the code for front-end, including HTML, JavaScript, and React.js


Users can run the application using these steps Follow these instructions to contribute to the project.

!! This app is only compatible with Google Chrome or Safari !!

Clone this repository.

  • git clone https://github.com/pelovett/CrestedDuckTeamMatcher.git

  • cd CrestedDuckTeamMatcher

Install NPM if you don't already have it.

  • macOS
    • brew install npm
  • Debian Linux
    • apt-get install npm
  • Arch Linux
    • pacman -S npm
  • Fedora / Red Hat Linux
    • dnf install npm

Install Yarn:

  • npm install -g yarn

Install React:

  • npm install -g react-scripts

Install dependencies:

If you're running Ubuntu14+ you must install pyvenv first:

  • apt-get install python-venv
  • apt-get install python3-venv
  • apt-get install python3-pip

From inside of CrestedDuckTeamMatcher:

  • bash ./configure
  • make run

if there are issue, attempt:

  • pip3 install flask

  • pip3 install flask_cors

In a new tab/window in Terminal (inside CrestedDuckTeamMatcher):

  • cd team-app

  • yarn install

You're ready to code!
In your first tab (CrestedDuckTeamMatcher directory):

  • python3 main.py - This begins the Flask server.

In your second tab (team-app directory):

  • yarn start - This begins the React development server.

Additional command options for React:

  • yarn run build - This bundles the application into static files for production (minimization, post-processing, etc.)

  • yarn test - This starts the test runner.
