Safe Stack.

Homework #3. for ISP RAS course.

Stack with memory protection mechanisms

  1. Every operation can fail (and throw corresponding exception).
  2. Stack has canaries before and after it's fields.
  3. Stack calculates checksum of its fields and checks it before every operation.
  4. If object is moved out to a new place, it is marked as invalid (size becomes bigger than capacity). Any operation on invalid object throws exception.


  • app/ - Applications (each application has it's own main function)
    • main.cpp - Main application
  • docs/ - Documentation pages
    • - Documentation main page
  • extern/ - external libraries (i.e. googletest)
  • include/ - header files
    • safe_stack/ - safe stack header files
      • hash.h - small library for computing object's hash
      • safe_stack.h - stack class definition, exception types and helper functions
  • test/ - program tests
    • hash_test.cpp - tests for hash function
    • safe_stack_test.cpp - tests for stack

How to build

I used Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL

git clone --recursive
cd safe_stack
cmake -B build
cmake --build build -t tests
cmake --build build -t main