
Scripts to install the receptor and catalog plugin on vms/containers/physical machines

Primary LanguageShell

Catalog Receptor Installer Scripts

This repository consists of scripts that can be used to install and configure

Receptor & Catalog Receptor Plugin

This would allow your on premise Ansible Tower to connect to cloud.redhat.com

The Receptor & the catalog Receptor plugin can be installed on one of the following

  • Container
  • VM
  • Physical

Pre Requisites

  • RHEL 7 or
  • RHEL 8

With valid subscriptions.

The install script and Dockerfile will try to install the following pre-requisites for you

The Ansible role installs the receptor and the plugin, and configures it so its visible in the cloud.redhat.com. After the installation is successful we

  1. Add a Source in the cloud.redhat.com
  2. Add an End Point for this receptor node
  3. Add Automation Services Catalog as a valid application for the Source.

This repo contains sample_playbooks for use in QA environment and production. You would setup the url and the token for the tower in the playbooks. Tokens are the recommended way for the plugin to authenticate with the Ansible Tower. To read more about Ansible tokens refer to https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/administration/oauth2_token_auth.html

Usage: VM or Physical Machine

GIT installed in VM

  • Clone this repository to your VM or Physical Machine
  • Edit the sample_playbooks/install_receptor.yml playbook and update the Ansible Tower information
  • If your system needs to be registered with Red Hat Subscription Manager please set the following environment variables
  • export RHN_USER=<<your_RHN_username>>
  • export RHN_PASSWORD=<<your_RHN_password>>
  • export RHSM_URL=<<Your QA/CI Subscription Manager URL>> (optional)
  • Run the following command ( install.sh sample_playbooks/install_receptor.yml)
  • After the install completes you should be able to have a system service running for the receptor

A QA Repository can be specified in the qa_repo variable in the playbook, this repo would contain the RPM's for the receptor, catalog receptor plugin and their dependencies.

install.sh sample_playbooks/install_receptor_qa.yml

GIT not installed in VM

If you dont have git installed in the VM you can download two files using cURL

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkanoor/receptor_catalog_installer_scripts/master/install.sh

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkanoor/receptor_catalog_installer_scripts/master/sample_playbooks/install_receptor_qa.yml

Then edit the install_receptor_qa.yml

A QA Repository can be specified in the qa_repo variable in the playbook, this repo would contain the RPM's for the receptor, catalog receptor plugin and their dependencies.

If your system needs to be registered with Red Hat Subscription Manager please set the following environment variables

  • export RHN_USER=<<your_RHN_username>>
  • export RHN_PASSWORD=<<your_RHN_password>>
  • export RHSM_URL=<<Your QA/CI Subscription Manager URL>> (optional)

install.sh install_receptor_qa.yml

Usage: Docker Container

  • Docker has to be installed.
  • Clone this repository to your environment
  • Edit the sample_playbooks/install_receptor.yml playbook and update the Ansible Tower information
  • The attached Dockerfile uses private images so you have to login using docker login
  • As part of the docker build you have to pass in the user and password for registering your container with Red Hat Subscription Manager
  • After the installation is configured the receptor would be running in the container.
  • When running the container we mount the local directory into the container, with the -v option, the path needs to be fully qualified.
  • When doing the docker build you can pass RHSM_URL to point to a QA/CI subscription manager

docker login https://registry.redhat.io

docker build --build-arg USERNAME=<<your_rhn_user>> --build-arg PASSWORD=<<your_rhn_password>> --tag receptor_installer .


docker build --build-arg RHSM_URL=<<rhsm_qa_url>> --build-arg USERNAME=<<your_rhn_user>> --build-arg PASSWORD=<<your_rhn_password>> --build-arg --tag receptor_installer .

docker run -it -v <<your_current_dir>>/sample_playbooks:/playbooks receptor_installer

If you want to test this as a Developer or a QE you can change the entry point and pass in your playbook

docker run -it -v <<your_current_dir>>/sample_playbooks:/playbooks --entrypoint /bin/entrypoint.sh receptor_installer install_receptor_qa.yml