
Theme 2 - Social network

This project aims to create a social network in the university context where users can share knowledge, content, network with other users and engage in discussion in academic topics they like. They will be also to keep up with the academic environment, from competitions to parties, and so on.

The project link is the following:

The docker image can be run with the following command:

sudo docker run -it -p 8000:80 -e DB_DATABASE="lbaw2034" -e DB_USERNAME="lbaw2034" -e DB_PASSWORD="HO914844" lbaw2034/lbaw2034 

The following credentials can be used to test the project, either in the Docker image or on the production environment:

Administration Credentials

Email Password admin

User Credentials

Type Email Password
student account aaaa
teacher account bazofi10
organization account gustavoboss

Group Members:

GROUP2034, 02/03/2020