- 1
#212 opened by hasandiwan - 1
Not Detecting few words in French, It is detecting as a English And Few words not detecting as English but it is English
#206 opened by vidyasagarfis - 4
Option: Other
#158 opened by thsm-kb - 1
Add confidence metric for single language
#156 opened by pemistahl - 1
Reduce resources to load language models
#157 opened by pemistahl - 2
Add absolute confidence metric
#121 opened by zhengxiaoxian - 2
Support specifying custom `Executor`
#145 opened by Marcono1234 - 5
Rewrite Lingua in Java
#188 opened by pemistahl - 0
- 2
Getting language name
#211 opened by hasandiwan - 2
com.github.pemistahl.lingua.api.LanguageDetector#detectLanuguageOf NoSuchMethodError with String
#210 opened by hasandiwan - 2
Simplified & Traditional Chinese
#192 opened by reececomo - 2
#191 opened by hasandiwan - 0
French text is detected as 100% English
#203 opened by tkoval83 - 0
Bad results with Java version
#180 opened by aamirbutt - 9
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError - META-INF?
#167 opened by mnavasloro - 0
Bump pinned version of regex dependency
#165 opened by BLKSerene - 1
Language recognition error
#159 opened by xujiaw - 2
- 2
IsoCode639_1 is ambiguous
#163 opened by bweben - 1
Language recognition enhancement
#162 opened by mohamedniyaz1996 - 0
Why am I forced to specify 2 languages for the detection to work with?
#160 opened by DavidTheExplorer - 4
- 2
run with gradle ok, but error with maven
#155 opened by LeeMH - 2
Lingua requires JDK 8+ instead of JDK 6+
#148 opened by Marcono1234 - 1
- 14
Improve performance and reduce memory consumption
#101 opened by Marcono1234 - 4
- 1
- 1
I believe withMinimumRelativeDistance()'s threshold should be dynamic depending on the top languages that are detected
#139 opened by cedivad - 6
Make Lingua usable within Java 9 modules
#120 opened by midrare - 1
Allow replacement of ExecutorService for better integration with web applications
#119 opened by dnb-erik-brangs - 2
detector identify ENGLISH as SOMALI
#137 opened by elish214 - 1
error detection for 'ok, fine'
#131 opened by wudideren - 0
Sensitive to noise
#129 opened by bruunand - 2
Language detection results can be way off
#125 opened by laxika - 1
[Feature] Ignore proper nouns
#124 opened by bdecarne - 7
- 10
- 3
Greek test data contains ambiguous sentence
#103 opened by Marcono1234 - 1
- 2
Most frequent alphabet detection causes inaccuracies when multiple alphabets have same occurrence count
#105 opened by Marcono1234 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 8
[ Performance and Memory Analysis for Large Dataset ] very slow for large numbers of Hits
#109 opened by the-black-knight-01 - 1
Thanks for Lingua, now using it in SQL with Snowflake
#107 opened by fhoffa - 1
- 0
[deleted] (using wrong account)
#106 opened by sfc-gh-fhoffa - 3