Using Network-Based Intrusion Prevention Systems (NIPS) for protecting or securing computer networks have become widely popular because of the emergence of many forms of network attacks like IP spoofing and Session Hijacking. A security threat that presents a greater deal compared to the others is Volumetric and Vulnerability-based Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks; DoS attacks aimed at the Network and Transport Layer through flooding and exploiting vulnerabilities. NIPS can stop these kinds of attacks but still lacks the capability of detecting a wider range of DoS attacks because it is unable to address the pressing concern of Application Layer DoS (App-DoS) attacks. NIPS could be complemented by Web Application Firewalls (WAF) to be able to mitigate these attacks on the Application Layer. However, they are only capable of defending against malicious HTTP traffic and not intended for other application layer protocols like FTP, DNS and SMTP. Having two separate systems would merit an issue on manageability as well. CHIMERA aims to consolidate these two mitigation solutions and eliminate their limitations to be able to defend the network from Volumetric, Vulnerability-based and App-DoS attacks.
- Chua, Fili Emerson A. (
- Head Designer
- Researcher
- Assistant Programmer
- Morales, Nikkol John S. (
- Assistant System Architect
- Researcher
- Security Specialist
- Penafiel, John Lawrence M. (
- Head System Architect
- Head Programmer
- Technical Expert
- Rigor, Jeno Paolo C. (
- Head Researcher
- Group Coordinator
- Assistant Designer
- Cu, Gregory G. (
- Cu, Jocelynn (