
PoC Python module for stemming domain names. Reduces domain names to a form that is directly under a public suffix.

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


PoC Python module for stemming domain names. Reduces domain names to a form that is directly under a public suffix. Great for de-duping blacklists and summarizing assets when doing OSINT.

The master list of public suffixes can be found in https://publicsuffix.org/.


To install, just clone, and run pip install .

git clone https://github.com/penafieljlm/domainstemmer.git
cd domainstemmer
pip install .


To use, just import and call the stem function.

>>> import domainstemmer
>>> domainstemmer.stem('ph.login.example.com')