npm run install
First download the challenge files from or from unofficial archive repo. Then add these two env variables to the challenge Dockerfile.
Then you can successfully build and run the image with approrpiate ports published.
docker build -t challenge .
docker run -p 31337:31337 -p 8545:8545 challenge
nc localhost 31337
You can use any value for team id.
Once you update your .env file with the information you got from above, try running pwn.ts file with hardhat.
npx hardhat run scripts/pwn.ts --network ctf
npx hardhat compile
Using forge:
forge build
My preferred installation of python is to use pyenv. Then use mkvenv script to set your venv in your folder.
First, make sure your .env
file is created and is filled with relevant info. Refer to .env.template
npx hardhat run scripts/pwn.ts --network ctf
You could set up a docker but I found deploying the setup contracts myself to be easiest.
npx hardhat run scripts/pwn.ts --network hardhat
Have fun hacking!