
:100:Some demos for learning

Primary LanguageC#



This repository mainly contains some demos that you can find in my blogs.

Both in cnblogs and c-sharpcorner


Nancy Demo

Name Description Url/Lang
NancyDemoForFormsauthentication how to use forms authentication in Nancy(1.x) Url/Chinese
NancyDemoForModelBinding how to use model binding in Nancy(1.x) Url/Chinese
NancyDemoWithHostingAspnet movies demo hosting by asp.net Url/Chinese
NancyDemoWithOwin three demos using owin Url/Chinese
NancyDemoWithSelfHosting one is using TopSelf to host , the other one is using Nancy.Hosting.Self to host. Url/Chinese

ASP.NET Core Demo

Name Description Url/Lang
ASPNETCoreAPIAuthorizedDemo asp.net core web api authorized demo Url/Chinese
JWTTokenDemo how to use JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Core(pre) Url/Chinese
JwtTokenDemo2 handle refresh_token when using JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Core 2.0(pre) Url/English
RedisDemo A demo using redis in .net core Url/Chinese
LocalDataCachingDemo A demo using SQLite to store the caching item as the local caching. Url/Chinese
MenuSolution A demo shows some way to render menus. Url/English
RPDemo A demo using ASP.NET Core Razore Pages Url/English
MonoDemo A demo run ASP.NET Core in .NET Framework with mono. Url/English
CachingAOPDemo Two demos that show how to handle caching interceptor. Url/Chinese
APIGatewayDemo A demo shows how to use Ocelot as our API Gateway. Url/English
DIDemo Same interface multi impl . Url/Chinese
RedisBatchRemoveSolution Introduce batch remove cached item in Redis. Url/Chinese
CachingSerializer Introduce serialization of distributed caching(Redis and Memcached). Url/Chinese
ResponseCachingDemo Introduce ResponseCaching in ASP.NET Core. Url/Chinese
CircuitBreakerDemo Introduce CircuitBreaker in ASP.NET Core. Url/Chinese
OptionsDemo Introduce Options in ASP.NET Core. Url/Chinese

Xamarin Demo

Name Description Url/Lang
Catcher.AndroidDemo Android demo using Xamarin Url/Chinese
Catcher.MvvmCrossDemo Demos using MvvmCross framework Url/Chinese


Name Description Url/Lang
Catcher.Unit.Demo A unittest demo Url/Chinese
RoundRobinDemo Load Balancing - Round Robin Url/Chinese
WeightedRoundRobinDemo Load Balancing - Weighted Round Robin Url/Chinese