
Primary LanguageJava


  1. certs env we need write 'cmd' to /proc, so we must sign this apk. android-studio support auto sign, read certs/HOWTOCERTS to configure it.

How to use this demo:

  1. you should delete the conf file first, ie: host$ adb root host$ adb shell phone# rm /storage/emulated/0/Podcasts/andd.conf

  2. run app and click "写入"

  3. then you can check config file write succeed, ie: host$ adb root host$ adb shell phone# cat /storage/emulated/0/Podcasts/andd.conf

  4. lastest, you can reboot device and check all config set succeed! ie: host$ adb root host$ adb shell phone# ifconfig | grep wlan0 then check HWaddr is same as wireless_mac that configed in /storage/emulated/0/Podcasts/andd.conf