
A simple Dropwizard 1.x project exposing REST API to store bookmarks

Primary LanguageJava


A simple Dropwizard 1.0.x project exposing REST API to store bookmarks. The application is using MySql as a DBMS.

Database settings are in the config.yml file. To switch to another RDBMS one should modify the driver and connection URL. By default it is necessary to create DropBookmarks database and it will be populated using migrations.

A brief video introduction to DropWizard.

How to start the DropBookmarks application

  1. Check out project using git clone https://github.com/javaeeeee/DropBookmarks.git
  2. Create a key store in the project's folder using Java 8 keytool keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=localhost" \ -keystore dropbookmarks.keystore -keypass p@ssw0rd -storepass p@ssw0rd
  3. Run mvn clean package to build the application
  4. To populate the database run java -jar target/DropBookmarks-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar db migrate -i TEST config.yml
  5. Start application with java -jar target/DropBookmarks-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server config.yml
  6. To check that your application is running, enter URL http://localhost:8081 in the browser

How to try the DropBookmarks application

The API is secured with Basic Authentication. One can find a user javaeeeee whose password is p@ssw0rd along with several bookmarks in the database after executing the migrations.

To get the list of all bookmarks stored by javaeeeee enter

curl -w "\n" 2>/dev/null -k https://localhost:8443/bookmarks -u javaeeeee:p@ssw0rd

To get the data stored for the bookmark with id == 1 type

 curl -w "\n" 2>/dev/null -k https://localhost:8443/bookmarks/1 -u javaeeeee:p@ssw0rd

To add a bookmark it is necessary to key in

curl -X POST -w "\n" 2>/dev/null -k https://localhost:8443/bookmarks \
 -u javaeeeee:p@ssw0rd -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"url":"http://github.com", "description":"A lot of great projects"}'

To modify a bookmark the API offers PUT method

curl -X PUT -w "\n" 2>/dev/null -k https://localhost:8443/bookmarks/1 -u javaeeeee:p@ssw0rd \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url":"https://github.com/javaeeeee/SpringBootBookmarks"}'

To delete a bookmark use

curl -X DELETE -w "\n" 2>/dev/null -k https://localhost:8443/bookmarks/1 -u javaeeeee:p@ssw0rd

The version of this project for DropWizard 0.8.2 can be found here https://bitbucket.org/dnoranovich/dropbookmarks