
Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim

Primary LanguageLua


Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim, helps you to use AI for automatic completion in Neovim, with support for functions like login, logout, shortcut key completion.


✨ Features

  • 🚀 Fast completion thanks to Fitten Code and curl
  • 🐛 Asynchronous I/O for improved performance
  • ⭐️ Accept all suggestions with Tab
  • 🧪 Accept line with Ctrl + ⬇️
  • 🔎 Accept word with Ctrl + ➡️
  • ❄️ Undo accepted text
  • 🧨 Automatic scrolling when previewing or completing code
  • 🛰️ Run as a nvim-cmp source

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.8.0
  • curl

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

For example with lazy.nvim:

  config = function()

For example with packer.nvim:

use {
  config = function()

⚙️ Configuration


fittencode.nvim comes with the following defaults:

  disable_specific_inline_completion = {
    -- Disable auto-completion for some specific file suffixes by entering them below
    -- For example, `suffixes = {'lua', 'cpp'}`
    suffixes = {},
  inline_completion = {
    -- Enable inline code completion.
    enable = true,
  -- Set the mode of the completion.
  -- Available options:
  -- - 'inline' (default)
  -- - 'source'
  completion_mode = 'inline',
  use_default_keymaps = true,
  log = {
    level = vim.log.levels.WARN,

inline mode

Set updatetime to a lower value to improve performance:

-- Neovim default updatetime is 4000
vim.opt.updatetime = 200

source mode

  completion_mode ='source',
  sources = { name = 'fittencode', group_index = 1 },
  mapping = {
    ['<cr>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Insert, select = false }),

🚀 Usage

Default Command

Command Description
Fitten login Try the command Fitten login <user> <password> to login.
Fitten logout Logout account

Default Mappings

Mappings Action
F2 Accept all suggestions
F3 Accept line
F4 Accept word

🎉 Special Thanks