
Data Management Platform

Primary LanguageSuperCollider


Data Management Platform

How to build

Checkout the source code and run unit tests:

mvn test

Integration tests can be run using the pig profile:

mvn verify -P pig

but require Pig and Couchbase installed on the local machine.

How to deploy


Build the package using the pig profile:

mvn package -P pig

The dist directory will contain the following files:

  • log_analysis.pig Pig script implementing the daily analytics
  • log_analysis.properties.example parameters required by the log_analysis.pig script
  • model_training.pig Pig script for training a category classifier
  • model_training.properties.example parameters required by the model_training.pig script
  • pig-udfs.jar required Pig UDFs and their dependencies
  • user_profiles.pig Pig script for building user profiles
  • user_profiles.properties.example parameters required by the user_categories.pig script


The DMP is composed of several jobs that need to be properly scheduled and run.

Category classifier

The classifier needs to be trained using some SCD files. Adjust the properties file and then run:

pig -f model_training.pig -m model_training.properties

This will produce a model file. Please refer to the model_training.properties.example for details on the required properties.

Daily log analysis

Daily logs are processed and user profiles extracted. Adjust the properties file and then run:

pig -f log_analysis.pig -m log_analysis.properties

This will produce a file with daily user profiles. Please refer to the log_analysis.properties.example for details on the required properties. Suggest specify invariant parameters in properties file and variant parameters with command line:

pig -f log_analysis.pig -m log_analysis.properties -p input=.. -p output_dir=.. -p model_file=..

User Profiles

User profiles can be computed over a time interval. Typically one schedules two or more executions of this job, one for daily metrics and one or more for weekly/montly/etc. metrics. Adjust the properties file and then run:

pig -f user_profiles.pig -m user_profiles.properties

User profiles will be stored into Couchbase. Please refer to the user_profiles.properties.example for details on the required properties.

Invariant parameters in properties and Variant parameters with command line as well.

Environment setup

Ensure that Pig directory contains

  • the file (or a symlink to) piggybank.jar
  • the directory lib containing Avro dependencies listed in log_analysis.pig script
    • avro-*.jar
    • jackson-core-asl-*.jar
    • jackson-mapper-asl-*.jar
    • json-simple-*.jar
    • snappy-java-*.jar

Ensure 'lib' is on the same directory of piggybank.jar

Data schema

User profiles are stored into Couchbase in Json format and accessed by composed keys containing the user uuid and the date.

Here is a sample document with key 0c6d8636f8be87e657f9b14ed07b54de::2014-03-28:

  "uuid": "0c6d8636f8be87e657f9b14ed07b54de",
  "date": "2014-03-28",
  "period": 1,
  "page_categories": {
    "图书音像": 0.24210526315789474,
    "服装服饰": 0.6421052631578947,
    "玩乐爱好": 0.07368421052631578,
    "电脑办公": 0.03684210526315789,
    "鞋包配饰": 0.005263157894736842
  "product_categories": {
    "服装服饰": 0.875,
    "运动户外": 0.125
  "product_price": {
    "0 - 20": 0.020833333333333332,
    "400 - 420": 0.020833333333333332,
    "440 - 460": 0.020833333333333332,
  "product_source": {
    "1号店官网": 0.041666666666666664,
    "V+": 0.041666666666666664,
    "京东商城": 0.0625,
    "卓越亚马逊": 0.0625,
    "天猫": 0.3125,
    "当当网": 0.14583333333333334,
    "淘宝网": 0.3333333333333333