Import from http://alize.univ-avignon.fr/svn/ALIZE/trunk

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

#      		ALIZE PROJECT - 2003-2013
#	  http://alize.univ-avignon.fr
# V3.0 / February 18th 2013
# Please visit:
# http://alize.univ-avignon.fr

This package is part of the ALIZE Project. Please visit http://alize.univ-avignon.fr 
for more informations and documentations.

In case of trouble, see the ALIZE FAQ on : 

See also News.txt for information about important modifications done on ALIZE library


Q: What is needed to install ALIZE library
A: aclocal, autoconf, automake and libtool are required to compile ALIZE library

Q: How to generate the ALIZE library under Linux, MacOS and cygwin
A: In a shell, run successively: aclocal, automake, autoconf, ./configure, make

Q: How to generate the ALIZE library under windows/Visual C++
A: Use the ALIZE.sln solution file.

Q: I have some problems to compile ALIZE
A: Please refer to : http://alize.univ-avignon.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page if you don't find your answer feel free to send a email to dev-alize@listes.univ-avignon.fr

Q: How to I link ALIZE with my projects
A: See the example in the ./exemple directory of LIA_RAL directory. Just include the header file alize.h at the begining of your source code and link statically libalize.a during your project compilation

Q: How to generate documentation
A: In a shell, in the main folder of Alize, doxygen doxygen.cfg (need to have doxygen installed)

Q: ALIZE allows speaker verification/authentication but need some feature in input. How can I find it ?
A: in terms of speech, ALIZE team recommends to use SPRO toolkit which is available under MIT licence (kind of BSD modified) from his version 5.0