The data and standalone program of ESM-DBP

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The data and a user-friendly standalone program of ESM-DBP



  • 1.Download the source code in this repository.
  • 2.Download the models of ESM-DBP at https://huggingface.co/zengwenwu/ESM-DBP/tree/main, and make sure they locate in the same folder.
  • 3.Typical install time on a "normal" desktop computer is about about 30 minutes, depending on the Download speed from Huggingface.


  • Enter the following command lines on Linux System.
$ python prediciton.py esm_model_dict_dir fasta_path result_dir device
  • [esm_model_dict_dir]: The path of folder that contains all ESM-DBP models.
  • [fasta_path]: The path of query protein sequences in fasta format.
  • [result_dir]: The path of folder of prediction results.
  • [device]: cuda or cpu

Functionality description

  • The protein sequence in fasta format will be first fed to ESM-DBP model to generate a embedding matrix as the feature representation; then, the embedding matrix will be fed into the networks of four downstream tasks to obatain the predcition results.


  • The feature representation of ESM-DBP will be generated named protein_name.fea.
  • The prediction results in .csv format will be generated in $result_dir.
  • For a typical sequence of about 500 in length, it takes only a few seconds to complete the entire prediction.
  • The pretraining data set UniDBP40 can be download at https://huggingface.co/datasets/zengwenwu/UniDBP40/tree/main.
  • If you have any question, please email to wwz_cs@126.com freely.
  • All the best to you!

Domain-adaptive pretraining

 $ python domain_adaptive_train.py fasta_path device batch_size device_list epoch
  • [fasta_path]: The path of UniDBP40.
  • [device]: 'cuda:0' is recommended.
  • [batch_size]: This should depend on the available memory. Our memory size is 64GB, and a batch size of 100 is appropriate.
  • [device_list]: List of available CUDAs. For example: 0,1,2,3
  • [epoch]: 20 is recommended.


[1] Wenwu Zeng, Yutao Dou, Liangrui Pan, Liwen Xu, Shaoliang Peng. Improving prediction performance of general protein language model by domain-adaptive pretraining on DNA-binding protein. Submitted.