
Simple unpack/repack tool for .TXB files in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple tool that unpacks and repacks .TXB files from GioGio's Bizarre Adventure (PS2)


To unpack a file use the -u command and the program will extract every TIM2 image from inside the file.

TXBtool.exe -u example.txb

To repack the TIM2 files to the .TXB file, use -p and then the filename of the original file.

TXBtool.exe -p example.txb

By default, the program will adjust the CLUT sizes of 16 color images to the correct size.
To keep the CLUT size unmodified add -k at the end of the command.

TXBtool.exe -u example.txb -k
TXBtool.exe -p example.txb -k