Telegram bot for Trilium Notes powered by Trilium-py.
It's a Telegram Bot to interact with Trilium Notes. Mainly I use it to manage my todo list.
It uses a standard python module named trilium-py ( which I wrote :) ) to communicate with Trilium through ETAPI.
Send '/start' to the bot to get feature buttons.
Send text messages to the bot, it will save the message as a subnote to today's note.
will get you todo list from today's note. Then tap the item to get it checked/unchecked. Also, you can add/delete/update todos with the function buttons. -
The bot contains a scheduled task to automatically move yesterday's unfinished/unchecked todo items to today's note. You can change the time to execute it in
- Please refer to (official docs)[] to create a bot if you do not have one.
- Install packages with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
. - Open
and change the config to yours. Please note that you must setadmin_list
correctly. Only user who is in this list can use this bot. - Run with
- Update code
git pull
- Update dependency
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt --user