Two cities that are connected to each other must have roads to each other in the opposite directions, e.g. Foo north=Bar\nBar south=Foo
A city cannot have duplicates in the map input
For each iteration, an alien can either move OR stay at the same city. This is to avoid the situation when there are 2 aliens left and each one is in a city that is direct connected to each other, thus making the simulation runs forever.
2 or more aliens could move to the same city and battle. All aliens will die and the city be destroyed as a result.
Design choices
Input data for the map is accepted through STDIN and the number of aliens for the simulation is expected to be the first argument
Only Simulation struct with its methods are public, all other types and methods are private
Use of for generic functions
Use recursive depth-first search to check for the case where all aliens are isolated from each other.
Usage example
cat testdata/input.txt | go run ./main.go 10 > output.txt
cat output.txt
Fmt, lint, test and coverage
make fmt
make lint
make test
make test-coverprofile
make show-coverage