#React AutoComplete Three different autocomplete menus using React.js.

Styling for the page is limited to PureCSS and small stylings.


  1. Navigate to the appropriate folder and run 'git clone https://github.com/penkar/autocomplete-react.git'
  2. move into the cloned folder and run 'npm install' to install the dependent node dependencies.
  3. Run 'npm start' to build the bundle.js file. Afterwards go ahead and open the index.html file to view the Highcharts in action.


  1. All the titles are listed, typing in the input box will reduce the amount of titles shown.
  2. All the titles are listed in a drop-down menu. Filling in the input box will reduce the number of titles shown.
  3. No titles are listed, typing in the input box will increase the amount of titles shown. Working example can be found here: http://jspenkar.com/autocomplete-react/