Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability

This repository contains code and data needed to reproduce the article:

Frank Pennekamp, Mikael Pontarp, Andrea Tabi, Florian Altermatt, Roman Alther, Yves Choffat, Emanuel A. Fronhofer, Pravin Ganesanandamoorthy, Aurélie Garnier, Jason I. Griffiths, Suzanne Greene, Katherine Horgan, Thomas M. Massie, Elvira Mächler, Gian-Marco Palamara, Mathew Seymour, Owen L. Petchey
Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability.



All analyses were done in R. All data needed to reproduce the analyses is available in the datafolder. The code folder reports contains three R markdown files to reproduce the statistical analyses, the qualitative literature review as well as the calculation of overall ecosystem stability. The reports are also available as pdfs in the reportsfolder.

Please also note our interactive shiny app to illustrate the overall ecosystem stability concept.


The data is licensed under the CC0-1.0 license, and the analysis code under the CC-BY-4.0.