
Easy modal windows for Angular applications with bootstrap3. If you don't want to use it without bootstrap - simply create proper css classes.


  1. Install npm module:

    npm install ngx-boot-modal --save

  2. System.js: you should add this into map and package config:

        "map": {
            "ngx-boot-modal": "node_modules/ngx-boot-modal"
        "packages": {
            "ngx-boot-modal": { "main": "index.js", "defaultExtension": "js" }

Simple Modal

Import ModalModule in your app. Then you can use modal component:

<modal  title="Modal title"
        modalClass="modal-lg modal-sm any-other-css-class"

        Modal header content goes there.

        Modal body content goes there.

        Modal footer content goes there.


<!-- first modal: modal with custom header, content and footer -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">modal with custom header content and footer</button>
    <modal #firstModal>
            <h1>I am first modal</h1>
            This modal has its own header, content and footer.
            <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="firstModal.close()">okay!</button>

<!-- second modal: disable close button -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">modal without close button</button>
    <modal #secondModal [hideCloseButton]="true">
            <h1>I am second modal</h1>
            This modal does not have close button.
            <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="secondModal.close()">okay!</button>

<!-- third modal: disable close button -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">modal that cannot be simply closed</button>
    <modal #thirdModal [closeOnEscape]="false" [closeOnOutsideClick]="false">
            <h1>I am third modal</h1>
            You cannot close this modal by pressing "ESC" button or clicking outside of the modal.
            <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="thirdModal.close()">okay!</button>

<!-- forth modal: this modal has default title and cancle button -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">modal that has title and cancel button</button>
    <modal #forthModal title="I am forth modal" cancelButtonLabel="close it">
            You can simply use "title" attribute to provide a modal default header.<br/>
            Also you can add default cancel button by providing a label to it.

<!-- fifth modal: this modal uses extra "large class" -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">large modal</button>
    <modal #fifthModal title="I am fifth modal" cancelButtonLabel="close it" modalClass="modal-lg">
            Very large modal.

<!-- sixth modal: this modal uses extra "small class" -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">small modal</button>
    <modal #sixthModal title="I am sixth modal" cancelButtonLabel="close it" modalClass="modal-sm">
            Very small modal.

<!-- seventh modal: this modal can listen close event -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">it opens first modal after you close it</button>
    <modal #seventhModal title="I am seventh modal" cancelButtonLabel="close it" (onClose)="">
            Now try to close it and it will open you first modal.

<!-- eighth modal: this modal can listen open event -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">it opens first modal right after you open it</button>
    <modal #eighthModal title="I am eighth modal" cancelButtonLabel="close it" (onOpen)="">
            This modal opened first modal right after you opened it.

<!-- ninth modal: this modal can do something after you click submit button -->
<div class="row">
    <button (click)="">it opens first modal after you click submit button</button>
    <modal #ninthModal title="I am ninth modal" submitButtonLabel="submit" (onSubmit)="">
            This modal has a submit button with your custom label. Also it can make an action after you
            click that submit button. Here it will open you first modal after you click submit.