This is my deferred render pipeline, implemented in Panda3D. This pipeline aims to handle the complete graphics pipeline, giving the user the ability to focus on making the game, and not the graphics.
Forum Thread:
This pipeline is still in developement, feel free to join :)
For questions & suggestions you can find me at #panda3d on freenode. Thanks especially to rdb and all the others for support & help!
You can find a lot more here:
You can find the wiki & instructions how to setup the pipeline at
[Todo] means the feature is not implemented yet.
[Improve] means it is implemented, but has to get improved to look good.
- SAO and HBAO
- Voxel cone traced global illumination
- Cone traced specular reflections
- Cone traced low frequency ambient occlusion
- PCF for PointLights, SpotLights
- PCSS for DirectionalLights
- PSSM Shadows for DirectionalLights
- Point Lights
- Directional Lights
- [Todo] Ambient Lights
- [Todo] Spot Lights
- [Todo] Area Lights
- [Todo] Bokeh DOF
- [Improve] Motion blur based on velocity