
Beautiful mathematics at your fingertips.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Beautiful mathematics at your fingertips.


Saphyra /səˈfaɪ.ɹə/ is a proof assistant under development.

2024 Spring Report

2024 Spring Report

Web version

Saphyra Web

How to run

To verify a theory:

cd src
python3 general.py < ../theories/0-or-S-definitive.theory

To run a test verifying all given theories:

cd src
python3 verifyall_test.py

Directory structure

  • src/
    • Python source (*.py)
      • arith.py — first-order Heyting arithmetic (HA), hard-coded axioms
      • general.py — first-order Heyting arithmetic, axioms in arith.blue
      • efa.py — elementary function arithmetic (EFA), equational, axioms in efa.blue
      • arvm.py — a simple scripting language
    • S-expression files (*.blue)
    • Generated test results (*.txt)
  • theories/
    • Theory files (*.theory, *.efa-theory, *.efa-tactic-theory)
  • js/
    • JavaScript version
      • Point your browser at start.html to view the demo (WIP)