
A Go port of tomc's classic sigrand.pl

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


sigrand.go -- a Go port of tomc's classic sigrand.pl


The format of the sigfile takes advantage of Perl's $/ special var, which allows you to change the line separator when reading from filehandles using the <> operator.

Since Go doesn't offer this syntax sugar, the file is read in a coroutine and complete, %%-separated records are pushed through a chan string to be iterated over with range in the reader logic.

The %% record separator is currently hard-coded, but could be trivially factored out, though the scanner is still pretty line-oriented. Exercise for the reader!


The original version of the script functioned somewhat like a daemon and was often invoked and immediately backgrounded in a .bashrc or similar startup script.

However, I've added a bit of logging (if only to analyze the quote selection logic) and it could be a bit noisy of not detached from stdout. Nevertheless, the operation is deceptively simple:

  1. sigrand loads, ...
  2. ... looks for a pidfile
  3. ... checks for a Unix named pipe at $HOME/.signature
  4. ... opens the pipe, blocking and waiting for someone to read
  5. When a process reads from the pipe, sigrand ...
  6. ... opens the sigfile ("database" of signatures) at $HOME/.sigfile
  7. ... iterates over each record, selecting one at random
  8. ... writes the selected record to the pipe
  9. ... closes the pipe
  10. ... waits a split second for the reader to close as well
  11. ... repeats

To stop the sigrand process, you have two options:

  • Send a keyboard interrupt (^C) on the process's stdin
  • send a TERM signal to the pid in $HOME/.sigrandpid


First Time Setup

$ go build && cp sigrand /usr/local/bin
$ cp sigfile ~/.sigfile
$ mkfifo -m 600 ~/.signature ./sigrand

In Regular Use

In one shell session:

$ sigrand
2020/12/23 00:06:32 Opening /Users/penryu/.signature
2020/12/23 00:06:34 ++-----+---------+--------------------------------+------------
2020/12/23 00:06:34 Writing quote
2020/12/23 00:06:34 Starting over...
2020/12/23 00:06:34 Opening /Users/penryu/.signature

In other shells or processes, simply read from ~/.signature:

$ cat ~/.signature
"What duck?"
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)

(The default sigfile is just a bunch of Terry Pratchett quotes.)

See start.sh for another example use.


The original can be found in The Perl Cookbook, and versions of it are scattered throughout the Interwebs.


© 2020 Tim Hammerquist

This code is licensed under the terms of the Artistic License.