
Litres books downloader

Primary LanguagePython

Litres books downloader

Script allows you to download books that normally acessible only online or in Android/iOS LitRes application using Python and Selenium. It's assumed that the book has already been purchased and exists in your personal account.


The only script arguments are --url, --login and --password. Script won't work if your account requires third-party authorization like Google. --url is a book URL, should look like https://www.litres.ru/book/<author>/<name>-<id>/.

Here is the common usage scenario (virtualenv is recommended):

$ virtualenv .venv
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ ./litres-downloader.py --url https://www.litres.ru/book/dru-neyl/prakticheskoe-ispolzovanie-vim-10014985/ --login <login> --password <password>

The book will be saved into final_book.pdf file.


The tool requires Selenium, img2pdf and Pillow libraries which are listed in requirements.txt.