
TCP/IP network packet simulator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PentaSecurity TCP/IP packet simulator.


NPS(Network Packet Simulator) is a TCP/IP packet testing tool.

  • Useful for validating an inline(or transparent) network appliance.
  • Supports packet sender and reflector by TC of xml base.
  • Only supports TCP/IP protocol.
[NPS(Client)] ==> [Server]
[           ] <== [      ]
[NPS(Client)] ==> [Inline             ]
[   (Server)] <== [  network appliance]
[NPS(Client)] ==> [Inline             ] ==> [Server]
[           ] <== [  network appliance] <== [      ]


* python 2.6, 2.7
* scapy 2.1.0


To install nps, simply:

$ apt-get install python-pip
$ pip install nps

Quick Start

$ mkdir -p /opt/penta/nps/script/
$ cd /opt/penta/nps/script/

connection.xml : write tcp connection packet info

<tc name="connection">




$ mkdir -p /opt/penta/nps/script/include
$ cd /opt/penta/nps/script/include

common.xml : write client interface name and client ip/port and server ip/port


run script

$ nps -f connection.xml