we made you a minipent.
it's running off the minipent front and back ends, and you own the database.
the aim of this site is to help with canto awareness, and to make it easy for people to find all your links, articles, docs in one place
and whilst there's a small amount of effort setting up your database backups (this will be automated shortly), ultimately this means you own and are responsible for your comms data, and you have a single url where people can find everything (ideally we'd point it to eg: info.canto.io).
here is the video: https://www.loom.com/share/9cfde282d7fa488f89459b5339ea94c6
we have logins for you for your minipent, bash script for grabbing your db, and are interested in further understanding your org requirements for distributing information – we're down to build out any features you think would be useful