
Study notes for the Ansible EX407 Exam


Study notes for the Ansible EX407 Exam

Study points for the exam

To help you prepare, the exam objectives highlight the task areas you can expect to see covered in the exam. Red Hat reserves the right to add, modify, and remove exam objectives. Such changes will be made public in advance.

You should be able to:

  • Understand core components of Ansible

Ansible Basic Concepts

  • Inventories

A list of managed nodes. An inventory file is also sometimes called a “hostfile”. Your inventory can specify information like IP address for each managed node. An inventory can also organize managed nodes, creating and nesting groups for easier scaling. To learn more about inventory, see the Working with Inventory pages.

  • Modules

The units of code Ansible executes. Each module has a particular use, from administering users on a specific type of database to managing VLAN interfaces on a specific type of network device. You can invoke a single module with a task, or invoke several different modules in a playbook.

List of all modules

  • Variables

Using Variables

  • Facts

There are other places where variables can come from, but these are a type of variable that are discovered, not set by the user. Facts are information derived from speaking with your remote systems. You can find a complete set under the ansible_facts variable, most facts are also ‘injected’ as top level variables preserving the ansible_ prefix, but some are dropped due to conflicts. This can be disabled via the INJECT_FACTS_AS_VARS setting. An example of this might be the IP address of the remote host, or what the operating system is.

Variables discovered from systems: Facts

  • Plays

A play is a logical grouping of tasks. For example a play might setup your web servers, a second could update your datanase servers, a third could update a load balancer. All these plays could be contained within a single playbook.

  • Playbooks

Ordered lists of tasks, saved so you can run those tasks in that order repeatedly. Playbooks can include variables as well as tasks. Playbooks are written in YAML and are easy to read, write, share and understand.

Intro to Playbook

  • Configuration files

Ansible configuration file

  • Install and configure an Ansible control node

Any machine with Ansible installed. You can run commands and playbooks, invoking /usr/bin/ansible or /usr/bin/ansible-playbook, from any control node. You can use any computer that has Python installed on it as a control node - laptops, shared desktops, and servers can all run Ansible. However, you cannot use a Windows machine as a control node. You can have multiple control nodes.

Install Ansible with yum
sudo yum install ansible
Install with pip
sudo pip install ansible
  • Install required packages
  • Create a static host inventory file

A basic inventory might look like the following




  • Create a configuration file
  • Configure Ansible managed nodes
    • Create and distribute SSH keys to managed nodes
Generate ssh key on master node
ansibleuser@host> ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy public key to servers
ansibleuser@host> ssh-copy-id ansibleuser@server1
ansibleuser@host> ssh-copy-id ansibleuser@server2
ansibleuser@host> ssh-copy-id ansibleuser@server3
Test ssh setup
ansible all -m ping
Relevant links

Automate ssh-copy-id with a list of hosts Automate ssh-copy-id with a numbered hostname format

  • Configure privilege escalation on managed nodes
Configure passwordless sudo on Redhat / CentOS
sudo useradd ansible
sudo passwd ansible
sudo visudo

Add the following line and save the file...

ansible ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD:ALL
Configure sudo with password on Redhat CentOS

This method is more secure. Follow the steps above but enter this line when in visudo...

ansible ALL=(ALL)       ALL
  • Validate a working configuration using ad-hoc Ansible commands
  • Create simple shell scripts that run ad hoc Ansible commands
  • Use both static and dynamic inventories to define groups of hosts

Working with Dynamic Inventory

  • Utilize an existing dynamic inventory script

Using a dynamic inventory is very similar to a static one...

ansible -i openstack_inventory.py all -m ping

Hint: The inventory script must be set to executable!

  • Create Ansible plays and playbooks
    • Know how to work with commonly used Ansible modules
    • Use variables to retrieve the results of running commands

Using the register keyword we can save the result of a command execution into a variable for later use.

- name: test play
  hosts: all


      - shell: cat /etc/motd
        register: motd_contents

      - shell: echo "motd contains the word hi"
        when: motd_contents.stdout.find('hi') != -1

Ansible Register Variables

  • Use conditionals to control play execution

Some examples;

when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Debian"
when: ansible_hostname == "cnode1"
when: order_constraint.changed == True
  - ansible_hostname == "cnode1"
  - ansible_play_hosts | length % 2 == 0
  when: (ansible_facts['distribution'] == "CentOS" and ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "6") or
            (ansible_facts['distribution'] == "Debian" and ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "7")

Further examples showing how to test for cmd errors...

  - command: /bin/false
    register: result
    ignore_errors: True

  - command: /bin/something
    when: result is failed

  # In older versions of ansible use ``success``, now both are valid but succeeded uses the correct tense.
  - command: /bin/something_else
    when: result is succeeded

  - command: /bin/still/something_else
    when: result is skipped

Ansible Conditionals

  • Configure error handling

We can ignore failures from modules by adding the following to a task...

ignore_errors: yes

By default handlers will not be run on failed hosts. Change this in the playbook with..

force_handlers: True

Can also be set via the command-line or in the config file.

Define custom failures on tasks with...

failed_when: diff_cmd.rc == 0 or diff_cmd.rc >= 2


changed_when: False

If you want to fail the entire play if anything at all fails then include this...

any_errors_fatal: true

Error handling in Ansible

Generate a /etc/hosts file with a Jinja template

The following template....

# {{ ansible_managed }}   localhost
::1         localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts.
fe00::0     ip6-localnet
ff00::0     ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1     ip6-allnodes
ff02::2     ip6-allrouters

# Network nodes as generated through Ansible.
{% for host in play_hosts %}
{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_eth1']['ipv4']['address'] }}  {{ host }}
{% endfor %}

Will produce something like this...

# Ansible managed   localhost
::1         localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts.
fe00::0     ip6-localnet
ff00::0     ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1     ip6-allnodes
ff02::2     ip6-allrouters

# Network nodes as generated through Ansible.  cnode1  cnode2
Looping in a template
We installed: {% for package in packages %}{{ package }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
List all facts on the localhost
ansible localhost -m setup
  • Create and work with roles
Create an skeleton role with ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy init myrole
  • Download roles from an Ansible Galaxy and use them

Ansible Galaxy

Install a role from Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker
Install a role from github
ansible-galaxy install ansible-galaxy install https://github.com/rhysmeister/role/role.tar.gz
Install multiple roles from a files
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Example of a requirements.yml file
# from galaxy
- src: yatesr.timezone

# from GitHub
- src: https://github.com/bennojoy/nginx

# from GitHub, overriding the name and specifying a specific tag
- src: https://github.com/bennojoy/nginx
  version: master
  name: nginx_role

# from a webserver, where the role is packaged in a tar.gz
- src: https://some.webserver.example.com/files/master.tar.gz
  name: http-role

# from Bitbucket
- src: git+http://bitbucket.org/willthames/git-ansible-galaxy
  version: v1.4

# from Bitbucket, alternative syntax and caveats
- src: http://bitbucket.org/willthames/hg-ansible-galaxy
  scm: hg

# from GitLab or other git-based scm
- src: git@gitlab.company.com:mygroup/ansible-base.git
  scm: git
  version: "0.1"  # quoted, so YAML doesn't parse this as a floating-point value
  • Manage parallelism

See --forks option https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/cli/ansible-playbook.html#cmdoption-ansible-playbook-f

  • Use Ansible Vault in playbooks to protect sensitive data

Ansible Vault Documentation

Create a file with vault
ansible-vault create variables.yml
Edit an encrypted file with vault
ansible-vault edit variables.yml
Change the password used to encrypt a file
ansible-vault rekey variables.yml
Encrypting existing files
ansible-vault encrypt variables.yml
Decrypting files
ansible-vault decrypt variables.yml variables2.yml
Use encrypt_string to create encrypted variables to embed in yaml
ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id a_password_file 'foobar' --name 'the_secret'
  • Use provided documentation to look up specific information about Ansible modules and commands
Use ansible-doc to lookup module documentation
ansible-doc lineinfile
List available modules
ansible-doc --list
Show a summary of the module options
ansible-doc -s firewalld
Use restview to to make the Ansible rst documentation browsable

Install pip and restview

sudo yum install python-pip
sudo pip install restview

Launch a server on the specified port. Documentation can be access here..

restview /usr/share/doc/ansible-doc-2.7.5/rst/ --listen *:33333 &

Or if you're on a desktop launch a browser

restview /usr/share/doc/ansible-doc-2.7.5/rst/ --browser

As with all Red Hat performance-based exams, configurations must persist after reboot without intervention.

Additional Tips
  1. If selinux is enabled install libselinux-python before using file/copy/template modules.