Always make sure the internet adapter is started otherwise blackarch has issues setting up. Makes it easier.

systemctl start dhcpcd

512M (Set to EFI Partition type) 6G (Set to Linux Swap) Rest of storage to drive /dev/sda3

Only need to do this if I forget to configure dhcpcd during install

echo "[Match]" > filename.conf echo "Name=en*" >> filename.conf echo "Name=eth*" >> filename.conf echo "" >> filename.conf echo "[Network]" >> filename.conf echo "DHCP=yes" >> filename.conf sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved

Install xfce shit

pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies --noconfirm

Install all the shit we need

sudo pacman -Syu go vi xrdp hyperv ufw sddm nano --noconfirm

Set the login screen

sudo systemctl set-default sudo systemctl enable sddm

Add ourselves to sudo

sudo EDITOR=nano visudo

robot ALL=(ALL) ALL

Install yay

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git git clone cd yay makepkg -si yay --version

Setup RDP

sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp echo "exec startxfce4" >> ~/.xinitrc systemctl enable xrdp systemctl start xrdp sudo systemctl enable --now hv_fcopy_daemon.service sudo systemctl enable --now hv_kvp_daemon.service sudo systemctl enable --now hv_vss_daemon.service