
The backend for the compass project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The backend for the quickquiz project.

It works as a JSON API for the MongoDB backend.

It also serves static files from two folders called public and media.


  • Install node.js
  • Install MongoDB
npm install
node main.js


The server is now running at port 80.

The port can easily be changed by changing the PORT variable located in main.js.


public is where the minified quickquiz-frontend should be located, everything you need should be created by running the grunt command in the quickquiz project.

You can send HTTP POST requests towards the /result and /upload routes.

You can HTTP GET /result as well as /questions.json.


A POST towards /result should have the following parameters:

  • name
  • group
  • x
  • y
  • z

Where name is the name of the person who's result you're trying to save. group is the name of the group the name and x, y andz are the results of the quiz.

A GET towards /result should have a single paramenter:

  • group

The group parameter can be the name of a single group or the names of several group seperated by a ,.


A POST towards /upload should be a simple image send using the parameters:

  • images
  • group

The images parameter should be a file (an image) from a input type="file"-field.

The group is the name of the group the image should belong to.