This repository is used to build a Docker image with various versions of
Drupal pre-installed using the Composer
package. The resulting Docker image is intended for testing a Drupal module or
theme using Tugboat.
If you're not familiar with how to add Tugboat configuration to your repository, please peruse the Tugboat documentation.
Here is an example configuration that makes use of the images from this repo,
adapted from the Olivero theme for Drupal
Example .tugboat/config.yml
image: q0rban/tugboat-drupal:9.0
default: true
http: false
depends: mysql
update: |
set -eux
# Check out a branch using the unique Tugboat ID for this repository, to
# ensure we don't clobber an existing branch.
git checkout -b $TUGBOAT_REPO_ID
# This is an environment variable we added in the Dockerfile that
# provides the path to Drupal composer root (not the web root).
# If you need to change the minimum stability due to downstream
# dependencies, you can modify 'stable' below to your needs:
# see
composer config minimum-stability stable
# We configure the Drupal project to use the checkout of the module as a
# Composer package repository.
composer config repositories.tugboat vcs $TUGBOAT_ROOT
# Now we can require this theme, specifing the branch name we created
# above that uses the $TUGBOAT_REPO_ID environment variable.
composer require drupal/olivero:dev-$TUGBOAT_REPO_ID
# Install Drupal on the site.
vendor/bin/drush \
--yes \
--db-url=mysql://tugboat:tugboat@mysql:3306/tugboat \
--site-name=Olivero \
--account-pass=${ADMIN_PASSWORD} \
site:install standard
# Enable the theme.
vendor/bin/drush --yes theme:enable olivero
# Set the olivero theme as default.
vendor/bin/drush --yes config-set system.theme default olivero
# Rebuild cache.
vendor/bin/drush cache:rebuild
# Set up the files directory permissions.
mkdir -p $DRUPAL_DOCROOT/sites/default/files
chgrp -R www-data $DRUPAL_DOCROOT/sites/default/files
chmod 2775 $DRUPAL_DOCROOT/sites/default/files
chmod -R g+w $DRUPAL_DOCROOT/sites/default/files
build: |
set -eux
# Delete and re-check out this branch in case this is built from a Base Preview.
git branch -D $TUGBOAT_REPO_ID || true
git checkout -b $TUGBOAT_REPO_ID || true
composer install --optimize-autoloader
# Update this module, including all dependencies.
composer update drupal/olivero --with-all-dependencies
vendor/bin/drush --yes updb
vendor/bin/drush cache:rebuild
image: tugboatqa/mariadb
For each different major version of Drupal, you will likely have a different branch of your module. In each of those branches, modify the Tugboat config above to use the appropriate Docker image with the same major version of Drupal.
The available tags for this image are taken directly from the available tags
of the
Composer project. In addition, [MAJOR]
tags are
available. For example, if you would like the latest 10.0.x
version of Drupal
core, you can use q0rban/tugboat-drupal:10.0
. If you only want to specify the
major version and keep up with minor releases automatically, you can use