
An antimicrobial tool for safe use of “high-touch surfaces” in public places



An antimicrobial copper tool for safe use of “high-touch surfaces” in public places Released under CERN Open Hardware License (CERN-OHL-S v2)

This device was conceived as an aid to halt the spread of the corona virus (covid-19). The design is made to be very simple to fabricate with a waterjet or laser & anyone willing to do so, can make their own. It was inspired by the "wuhan hook", a DIY hack invented at the ground zero of the pandemic.

The use of copper for the material is crucial, since it is an antimicrobial material. Together with its case also made of copper, the Space Key is a technology to avoid touching contaminated surfaces of the built environment like door handles, thumb locks, elevator buttons, ATM buttons, window latches, trash can lids, faucets & light switches.

Other "touch tools" or "touch-free tools" or "corona keys" have also tried to solve the same issue, but they fail to resolve the issue by not taking into account the few hours it takes for copper to self-cleanse. Pathogens are spread through these other touch tools between their use on a contaminated surface & the ~4 hours it takes for copper to completely inactivate microbes. In this interim period these tools are stored in ones pocket, keychain or bag where they transfer the microbes on whatever they touch. Secondly, they also do not they have the versitility of functions of the Space Key.

Due to the diversity of door handles, latches, locks and other UI points of the built environment as well as people's finger diameters, it is advisable that you test and develop models for your own context. The master file has only been tested in Finland.

Developed, designed, prototyped & first used at Aalto Design Factory, Aalto University, Finland. Currently the design is further developed & manufactured by limited company called 'studio i ore' based in Helsinki, Finland. www.iore.fi