960 Gridder is an excellent tool for any web developer/designer that wants to easily align, match and lay out websites. NOTE: This repo is no longer maintained. If it works, it works but it's years old and there's probably better ones out there by now.
- addyosmaniGoogle
- adrianoconnorUnited Kingdom
- bashmish@ing-bank
- bennyschudel
- bid
- boostventilatorBoost Ventilator Consulting
- bronzeRio de Janeiro, Brazil
- corydorningCovington, KY
- deanc@asteroidcrew
- dva
- dznzfree agent
- exavolt
- gazslondon
- ginatrapani@postlight
- lelebart
- mildlydiverting
- misincMIS, Inc.
- mrsinguyenGo1
- msankhalaSrijan
- mxmilkiibEdinburgh, UK
- olauzonNew York, NY
- pctj101Earth
- peolLund, Sweden
- pixelhandlerSoCal
- riffraffToptal
- SamStonehouseUK
- samvjSan Francisco
- sefsh
- sergeifilippov@haikulab
- slmingolSomewhere in the contintental US
- thomaslMalta+
- tlyngAztek
- toyotabedzrockUS, NJ
- trdunsworthNational University
- williamdodsonWilliam Dodson Design
- wolfhesseandel systems engineering