
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Library to help broadcast important information to all EQBC connected toons, or a single defined toon (driver).

Using the base interface it can also be used to trigger remote commands on remote characaters. See instructions on how to do this here

Heavily inspired by Knightly's 'Write' lua script


  • MQ
  • MQ2Lua
  • Either or both of:
    • MQ2DanNet (Preferred communication method if both are loaded)
    • MQ2EQBC


Add broadcast.lua and broadcastinterface.lua to the lua folder of your MQ directory.

Broadcast Usage

local broadcast = require 'broadcast'

-- receviers is either a single string reciever or a table of recievers/channels ie {"Toon1", "Toon2", "Wizards"}
broadcast.Info(receviers, "Information for all")
broadcast.Success(receviers, "We succeded")
broadcast.Fail(receviers, "I failed")
broadcast.Warn(receviers, "Im in trouble")
broadcast.Error(receviers, "Something went horribly wrong")

-- or send to all connected peers
broadcast.InfoAll("Information for all")
broadcast.SuccessAll("We succeded")
broadcast.FailAll("I failed")
broadcast.WarnAll("Im in trouble")
broadcast.ErrorAll("Something went horribly wrong")

Broadcast also handles string formatting for you, so you can use it just like you would string.format:

local broadcast = require 'broadcast'
-- Handles string formatting too
broadcast.Success(receviers, "%s successully cast %s", mq.TLO.Me.Name, 'Complete Heal')
broadcast.SuccessAll("%s successully cast %s", mq.TLO.Me.Name, 'Complete Heal')

Default broadcast levels

broadcast.Info - Standard level of messages. Normal output.

broadcast.Success - Success messages. All went well.

broadcast.Fail - Fail messages. Something didnt complete correctly.

broadcast.Warn - Warn messages. Exectuion completed but something is not right.

broadcast.Error - Error messages. Something went wrong.

Broadcast Configuration Options

broadcast.usetimestamp - boolean - Add timestamp to the output. Default is false.

broadcast.broadcastLevel - string - The broadcast level at or above which messages start being printed to the console. Default is 'info'.

broadcast.prefix - string or function that returns string - This will appear at the very beginning of the line. The function portion is useful for inserting something like a timestamp. However, the script's name as a string will also suffice and is how it is most often used. Default is empty.

broadcast.separator - string - This is the notation that appears in between the write string and the log entry to be printed. Default is ' :: '

Broadcast level Configuration Options

Broadcastlevels themselves can be configured as well. The properties for these are broadcast.broadcastlevels['broadcastlevel'].<property> For example, to set the MQ color of trace, you can do: broadcast.broadcastlevels['error'].color = 'Marroon'

Properties are:

level - number - Used for ordering which broadcast levels are "above" or "below" others.

color - table - The color, valid values are 'Black'|'Blue'|'Cyan'|'Green'|'Maroon'|'Orange'|'Red'|'White'|'Yellow'

abbreviation - string - How a particular broadcast level will be abbreviated

Adding or removing broadcast levels

An example of adding and removing a custom broadcast level is below. Note that the broadcastlevels only support lower case and handle changing to sentence case for calls on their own.


    -- Add the log level (note custom vs Custom)
    broadcast.broadcastlevels.custom = {
        level = 6,
        color = 'Maroon',
        abbreviation = '[CUSTOM]'

    -- Broadcasts at the broadcast level (note Custom vs custom)
    -- Remove the broadcast level
    logger.broadcastlevels.custom = nil
    -- This should show an error message

Setting one of the default broadcast levels to nil will also remove it.

BroadcastInterface Usage

local broadCastInterfaceFactory = require 'broadcast/broadcastinterface'

---@alias ColorName 'Previous'|'Black'|'Blue'|'Cyan'|'Green'|'Maroon'|'Orange'|'Red'|'White'|'Yellow'

---@class BroadCastInterface
---@field Broadcast fun(message: string, recievers?: string[])
---@field ExecuteCommand fun(executeCommand: string, recievers: string[])
---@field ExecuteAllCommand fun(executeCommand: string, includeSelf?: boolean)
---@field ConnectedClients fun(): string[]
---@field ColorWrap fun(self: BroadCastInterface, text: string, color: ColorName): string
---@field ColorCodes table<ColorName, string>
local bci = broadCastInterfaceFactory()

local command = string.format('/say %s', "This is triggered remotly")
bci.ExecuteAllCommand(command, true) -- 2nd parameter is to include self and is optional (default false)
bci.ExecuteCommand(command, {"Toon1", "Toon2"}) -- 2nd parameter is a list of toons that should execute the command