
Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

SQL Logger for EQ

LUA script that hadnles logging to a sqllite database


  • MQ
  • MQ2Lua
  • lsqlite3
  • luafilesystem


Download the latest sqllogger.zip from the latest release and unzip the contents to its own directory inside lua folder of your MQ directory.

ie lua\sqllogger


At the top of your startup script, add the following code`

local packageMan = require 'mq/PackageMan'
local sqlite3 = packageMan.Install('lsqlite3')
local lfs = packageMan.Install('luafilesystem')

Include the script where you want logging and start logging

-- Require the library
local logger = require sqllogger/sqllogger
-- Log an informational message
logger.Info('Hello World!')

In this scenario, only logs above 'info' would be written to the db. That means that trace and debug messages will be skipped, while info, warn, error, fatal, and help messages will be persisted.

In this way you can flip between adding debug messages and whether those messages be persisted or not. By just toggling Write.loglevel to 'debug':

local logger = require('knightlinc/Write')
logger.prefix = 'MyScript'
logger.Debug('This message will not be persisted.')
logger.loglevel = 'debug'
logger.Debug('This message will br persisted.')

Lastly, sqllogger handles string formatting for you, so you can use it just like you would string.format:

local logger = require('sqllogger/sqllogger')
Write.prefix = 'MyScript'
logger.Info('This is script (%s) which is written by %s', 'sqllogger', 'APerson')

Default logging levels

logger.Trace - Useful for stepping through each bit of code and almost never shown to the end-user.

logger.Debug - Debug messages. Often items that you might have an end-user turn on to help with debugging.

logger.Info - Standard level of messages. Normal output.

logger.Warn - Warning messages. Something might be wrong.

logger.Error - Error messages. Something is wrong.

logger.Fatal - Fatal error messages, execution will stop after this message is displayed.

logger.Help - Help messages. Usually usage instructions.

Write Configuration Options

logger.context - string - The log context ie the name of your script. Default is empty string.

Loglevel Configuration Options

Loglevels themselves can be configured as well. The properties for these are logger.loglevels['loglevel'].<property> For example, to set the MQ color of trace, you can do: logger.loglevels['trace'].mqcolor = '\at'

Properties are:

level - number - Used for ordering which log levels are "above" or "below" others.

color - table - The color in a table version of ARGB ie {A, R, G, B}

abbreviation - string - How a particular log level will be abbreviated

terminate - boolean - Whether to call the Terminate() (end program) function when this log level is hit

Adding or removing log levels

An example of adding and removing a custom log level is below. Note that the loglevels only support lower case and handle changing to sentence case for calls on their own.


    -- Add the log level (note custom vs Custom)
    logger.loglevels.custom = {
        level = 8,
        color = {1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
        abbreviation = '[CUSTOM]',
        terminate = false

    -- Logs at the log level (note Custom vs custom)
    -- Remove the log level
    logger.loglevels.custom = nil
    -- This should show an error message and stop execution

Setting one of the default log levels to nil will also remove it.

Log Viewer

To view sql logging start the sql log viewer

/lua run sqllogger/sqllogviewer