
Getting data in QR code using Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

QR code decryption with tensorflow

A simple neural network that predicts the first character that is stored in a QR-code such as this:

Sample QR-code

At training time, QR codes are created randomly from alphanumeric strings of length ten (sample in the example above). The validation set also contains 5000 randomly generated QR codes.


virtualenv -p python3 venv --no-site-packages
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 list
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Using Python 3.5+


To start the training, simply call:

python train.py


Then, you can run tensorboard to view the test-set accuracy:

tensorboard --logdir /tmp/qrnet-log --reload_interval 5

Generated QR codes



After approximately 50.000 iterations (with 200 QR codes per batch), it reaches a test-set accuracy of over 0.999.

[1] Note that there are (2 × 26 + 10)^10 ≈ 10^18 possible QR codes, so chances of collisions between the training and the test set are vanishingly small.

[2] Unfortunately, the online training is rather slow. Most of the time is actually spent in the (parallelized) QR code generation.


Kuldeep Singh Sidhu

Github: github/singhsidhukuldeep https://github.com/singhsidhukuldeep

Website: Kuldeep Singh Sidhu (Website) http://kuldeepsinghsidhu.com

LinkedIn: Kuldeep Singh Sidhu (LinkedIn) https://www.linkedin.com/in/singhsidhukuldeep/