Primary LanguagePython

DPC: Unsupervised Deep Point Correspondence via Cross and Self Construction (3DV 2021)

[Paper] [Introduction Video (2 minutes)] [Introduction Slides] [Full Video (10 minutes)] [Full Slides] [Poster]

This repo is the implementation of DPC.



Architecture   Cross Similarity

Tested environment

  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.6
  • CUDA 10.2

Lower CUDA and PyTorch versions should work as well.





Please follow installation.sh or simply run

bash installation.sh 



The method was evaluated on:


    • 230k shapes (DPC uses the first 2k).
    • Dataset website
    • This code downloads and preprocesses SURREAL automatically.
  • SHREC’19

    • 44 Human scans.
    • Dataset website
    • This code downloads and preprocesses SURREAL automatically.
  • SMAL

    • 10000 animal models (2000 models per animal, 5 animals).
    • Dataset website
    • Due to licencing concerns, you should register to SMAL and download the dataset.
    • You should follow data/generate_smal.md after downloading the dataset.
    • To ease the usage of this benchmark, the processed dataset can be downloaded from here. Please extract and put under data/datasets/smal

    • 41 Animal figures.
    • Dataset website
    • This code downloads and preprocesses TOSCA automatically.
    • To ease the usage of this benchmark, the processed dataset can be downloaded from here. Please extract and put under data/datasets/tosca



For training run

python train_point_corr.py --dataset_name <surreal/tosca/shrec/smal>

The code is based on PyTorch-Lightning, all PL hyperparameters are supported. (limit_train/val/test_batches, check_val_every_n_epoch etc.)


Tensorboard support

All metrics are being logged automatically and stored in


Run tesnroboard --logdir=<path> to see the the logs.

Example of tensorboard output:




For testing, simply add --do_train false flag, followed by --resume_from_checkpoint with the relevant checkpoint.

python train_point_corr.py --do_train false  --resume_from_checkpoint <path>

Test phase visualizes each sample, for faster inference pass --show_vis false.

We provide a trained checkpoint repreducing the results provided in the paper, to test and visualize the model run

python train_point_corr.py --show_vis --do_train false --resume_from_checkpoint data/ckpts/surreal_ckpt.ckpt


Citing & Authors

If you find this repository helpful feel free to cite our publication -

  author = {Lang, Itai and Ginzburg, Dvir and Avidan, Shai and Raviv, Dan},
  title = {{DPC: Unsupervised Deep Point Correspondence via Cross and Self Construction}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},
  pages = {1442--1451},
  year = {2021}

Contact: Dvir Ginzburg, Itai Lang.