PeP et al. PhysiKon website

We use jekyll to build static html pages from markdown and travis to deploy the site.

If you want to build the site locally, install ruby, node and some optional dependencies we need using your package manager and bundler using gem.


$ sudo apt install ruby-dev nodejs-legacy libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
$ sudo gem install bundler

Arch Linux

$ sudo pacman -S ruby nodejs libxml2 libxslt
$ sudo gem install bundler


$ brew install ruby node
$ gem install bundler

Testing locally

Install the necessary gems

$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle

Build and serve the site locally, automatically updates if you make changes. You might need to reload without cache (Shift + R in Chrome).

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

PeP et al. PhysiKon website remake

Über _data/unternehmen.json können weitere Messeteilnehmer zum Carousel hinzugefügt werden.

Working with git

We use the github workflow in this repository, see

In short, to contribute:

  1. Synchronize latest updates git fetch
  2. Switch to the new branch using git switch -c <my new branch> origin/main
  3. Make changes and commit
  4. Push the Branch using git push -u origin <name>
  5. Open a Pull Request on github.